The Global Media Festival is the Georgia Tech School of Modern Languages’ annual film and discussion series focusing on sustainability across languages and cultures. Attendees are welcome to join the conversation with international film directors, educators, and partners on what it means to design and engage in innovation initiatives that address social needs.

GMF 2024 : Bigger Than Us (2021)
By and with Guest Filmmaker Flore Vasseur, April 7th.

GMF 2023 : La Fabrique des Pandémies (Making Pandemics) (2022)
By and with Guest Filmmaker Marie-Monique Robin and three of the featured scientists, April 23.
Panel of Guest Speakers:
- Marie-Monique Robin, Film Director and French journalist
- Dr. Thomas R. Gillespie, Professor of Environmental Sciences and Environmental Health at Emory University’s Rollins School of Public Health (Atlanta)
- Dr. R.E. Gozlan, Professor and Research Director in health ecology at the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Sciences (IRD, France)
- Dr. Gerardo Suzan, Professor at the College of Veterinary Medicine at the UNAM (Mexico), and co-director of the International Joint Laboratory (France-Mexico) on the Biodiversity, Deforestation and Emerging Diseases Project.

GMF 2022 : MARCHER SUR L’EAU (2021)
A live screening followed by a Q&A with award-winning French film director, Aïssa Maïga. “Above Water” (“Marcher sur l’eau”) details the life of 12-year-old Houlaye, who travels several kilometers each day to fetch water until her village unites to construct a well. This fundamentally could change the lives of a group of people who have literally been walking on water since birth.

GMF 2022 : Regard Noir (2021)
Acclaimed French actress Aïssa Maïga speaks with actresses, actors and directors from France, Brazil and the United States about the limitations in the film industry when it comes to race. The documentary follows Aïssa Maïga on a road-trip from Paris to Los Angeles and San Paolo to explore the historical roots of systemic racism and the impact of discrimination and stereotypes in films and series on societies and their respective popular culture. Event open to the public and registration is mandatory. Screening followed by Q&A with director Aïssa Maïga, moderated by Stéphanie Boulard and Meg Carver. The Q&A will be recorded and shared on our website.

GMF 2021 : En quête de sens (A Quest for Meaning) (2015)
A LIVE virtual screening and discussion of the award-winning documentary film En quête de sens (A Quest for Meaning) (2015)! The film follows two childhood friends on a journey as they question the workings of the world, our relationship with nature, and the meaning of life. Their travels take them all over the world as they explore the messages of activists, biologists, philosophers, and guardians of ancestral traditions.

GMF 2020 : The Cat, The Reverend, and The Slave (2009)
What does it mean to live in a reality of your own making? This strange, chilling and compelling documentary explores this question by following three members of “Second Life” who reincarnated themselves into a world created out of fantasy in which they have complete control. Topics touched on video games, second life, sustainability, mental health, and solitude in the contemporary life.

GMF 2019 : Faces Places / Visages Villages (2017)
A spectacular Odyssey in Rural France, April 4, 2019.
Faces Places is a french film where director Agnès Varda and photographer and muralist JR journey through rural France and form an unlikely friendship.

GMF 2018 : Swagger (2016)
Urban Stories in the Midst of Astonishing Minds, April 4, 2018.
Swagger documents the stories of minority teenagers growing up in Paris’ housing projects. This event featured a film screening and conversation with director Olivier Babinet.

GMF 2017 : Demain (2017)
Sustainable Practices in France and Other Countries, April 11, 2017.
Demain follows a team of four people carrying out an investigation in ten different countries to figure out what may lead to the possible extinction of a part of mankind before the end of the 21st century, and above all how to avoid it.